Thursday, September 18, 2014

Mini Dental Implants In Tijuana

Several things such a gum disease tooth decay and injury can cause or lose teeth, but now you can get your smile back permanently yeah and here is the really good news it;s now more affordable than ever. Many dentists specialize in mini dental implants.

So look at what is the difference between a mini dental implant and a traditional which people are more use to?

Traditional dental implants were extremely popular. One of the biggest differences is the size. Like the name says one is mini and the other is not. If its three millimeters are larger in diameter then its a traditional implant if its less then it's a mini implant.  Mini Implants have become very popular and traditional ones have disappeared.

And there several reasons. 

One is the price, traditional implants cost about 3500 to 6500 dollars.

 Mini implants are 1000 dollars. 
The reason that patients really like them is because we don't need to make a big whole on their bone. Before with regular implants after the big whole was done we had to push the implant down into the bone, stitch it and wait 6 months for it to integrate.

 With these small diameter implants we just use a tiny little pilot drill make a little pinprick hole in the gum tissue  then we can thread the implant down into that little pilot hole. 

In theory and in practice you can walk into out office at eleven o’clock in the morning we can freeze it up we can put the implant into your jaw and you can walk out of the office smiling and talking in the evening in less than an hour and if you are like most  patience s you wont even have to take a pain killer.

Who make a good candidate?

do you have to have a certain amount of bone presence to have a mini dental implant? That’s another great feature about mini dental implants. If you have a cheek and a bone you are a candidate.

Find mini dental implants in Tijuana

Now that you know that you are a candidate for mini dental implants lets find a dentist that specializes in this type of implants.

Not all dentists practice this new procedure south of the border. You have to ask the potential dentist if he or she uses mini dental implants or not. Also ask how many procedures has he or she done.

For more information you can visit the best dentist in tijuana and you will find the all the information you need to have this done.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost

One day i was having a problem eating right after I came from school. My wisdom teeth started hurting a lot and the pain was not easy to manage. I had been having symptoms of wisdom teeth pain but I ignored. However, that day when I started eating the pain was too much so I told my mom to call the dentist to set up an appointment.

What is the average cost of wisdom teeth removal

The next day I went to the dentist and after he examined me he told me that I had to take my wisdom teeth removal out, and my quick response was, but doc I don't have health insurance. He said that the average cost of wisdom teeth removal was not very expensive and that he could work with me to set up a payment plan.

I wanted to setup a different time to get my wisdom teeth removed but he said that I had 4 tooth imapcted and that I couldn't wait, that he had to do it right there. He talked yo my mom and said what he was going to do and how we were gonna pay for it and my mom was fine with it.

I was so scared because I heard so many horror stories about wisdom teeth removal that I didn't want to be there but the doctor was cool and I was able to calm down.

if you are worried about wisdom teeth removal cost talk to you dentist before hand and ask if there are playment plans available. if He is unable to get you on a payment plan find another dentist that will work with you on the wisdom teeth removal cost.